
There are a lot of issues that appear at the time of cleaning material that can be contaminated by radioactivity:

  • Material compatibility
  • Vertical surfaces cleaning
  • Lead window opacification
  • Skin contact

By analysing all these issues, we designed a wide range of specialized products to be used in nuclear medicine areas.

Decontamination of floors and surfaces

DDN Spray

Neutral disinfectant detergent ready to use

  • Neutral pH
  • Ready to use
  • Wide antimicrobial spectrum
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials


Box of 12 x 750ml …………. Réf. 1045140
Box of 6 x 1L ………………….. Réf. 1045157

TFD Mousse

Radioactity decontaminant aerosol spray

  • Non-submerged materials decontamination
  • Delimitation of contaminated areas
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials


Box of 4x 500mL ……………… Réf. 1010192


DDN Surf

Neutral Disinfectant detergent

  • Neutral pH
  • CMR free
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials
  • Wide antimicrobial spectrum
  • Active on Clostridium Difficile
  • Perfect rinsability, even in hard water


Box of 12 x 1L ……….……. Réf. 1076016
Box of 4 x 5L……………….. Réf. 1076020

Soaking decontamination

TFD Neutre

Foaming degreasing detergent

  • Neutral pH
  • Decontamination of radiactivity by eliminating radioisotope.
  • Perfect rinsability
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials


Box of 4 x 5L ……………… Ref. 1010220


Alkaline Manual Detergent

  • Decontamination of radioactivity by entrainment of radioisotopes
  • Perfect rinsability
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials


Box of 4 x 5L ………………. Ref. 1010420
Can of 20L ………………….. Ref. 101042


Neutral Liquid Disinfectant Detergent

  • Proven efficacity on biofilm
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials
  • Wide antimicrobial spectrum
  • Can be used in operating room, endoscopy, ophthalmology and contactology.


Box of 250 dosis of 25ml ………………. Réf. 1044947
Box of 12 x 1L ………………………….. Réf. 1044916
Box of 4 x 5L ……………………………. Réf. 1044920